News from Boissevain School

April 17, 2011

School Homepage

Filed under: Uncategorized — Mr. White @ 5:48 pm

I was told the other day that some people had overheard some parents saying they didn’t know the school had a HOMEPAGE ( which makes me wonder what information those parents have been missing.  I did hear that the most important page for some parents is the Cafeteria Menu. I received a phone call about an event not listed on the google calendar displayed on the the school website so I know that for that person the calendar is important.   As well, we were commended on having a goolgle calendar for the gym schedule.  I would like to know how the is used.

My Questions for you:

1. How do you use the school website?

2. What are most important on a school website?

1 Comment »

  1. Mr. White – YES, the school website is used regularly in our house!! The kids check the cafeteria menu, I use the calendar regularly to confirm which school day it is, and for dates such as band concerts, exams, and special events such as track & field. In case of school closure, it is the first place I look if I haven’t already heard the information by radio. In the past I have used it for the school supply lists and I also go to the site first to log in to Maplewood, which I also use regularly!! I find the information is always current and helpful and it is much appreciated!!


    Comment by Tina Patterson — May 10, 2011 @ 5:14 pm | Reply

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